The DRFN being a non-profit organization depends on funding from external sources to implement some of its activities.
If you wish to make a donation towards the work that the organization implements, please make use of these banking details.
For more information on this please contact:

Account number: 555 011 525 61
Branch: Maerua
Branch code: 282273
Swift code: FIRNNANX

When a young woman, Magano Ndemufayo, approached our Peace Corps volunteer and asked, “Can you help the young women in Drimiopsis?”  the DRFN recognized that a women’s group focused on financial literacy, life skills, and income opportunities may be a strong platform for sustainable self-sufficiency.  The group met for the first time on October 31st with nine motivated and capable women who named their new organization and got right to work planning a project to raise funds in the spirit of self-sufficiency.  

Each meeting will focus on financial literacy, life skills, and income producing opportunities.  We anticipate the group will grow.  Women of all ages are welcome to join and participate.  The emphasis on sustainable self-sufficiency was adopted unanimously when the first members agreed to immediately launch a fundraising project to fund their organizational expenses. WST agreed to clean, cut, and paint used tires for sale at the new Gobabis Market which will be held on November 24th. They also agreed to develop a business plan, borrow the money for startup costs, and pay members who work on the tires. 

There was a pause followed by smiles when the American volunteer said, “A business is supposed to make money.”

Although the vision and mission statements for WST has not been formalized by members – it is hoped that uniting and demonstrating commitment will open doors of opportunity for education, vocational training, employment, and business development. The critical force of the organization is clearly Women Standing Together.

WST first meeting – Chairman Johannes Abusema was there to show support.

Posted on Nov 02, 2017

Our Partners and Sponsors in support of our work include:
Disclaimer: The contents of the website are the sole responsibility of DRFN and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union. This website was created with the support of the Hanns Seidel Foundation.