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The Executing Entity (EE) for the Adaptation Funds project in Namibia, NamWater has issued a tender for the construction of desalination pilot plants at Grunau and Bethanie, in the Kharas region. These plants will be powered by renewable energy and membrane technology and desalination is the preferred technology to improve the quality of brackish water; often found in aquifers in southern Namibia. These pilot plants will be used to provide knowledge and skills on how to effectively and efficiently desalinate poor quality groundwater on a small-scale, using hybrid renewable energy technology.

This tender is open to Namibian companies and joint ventures and is available on NamWater's website. Closing date for the bids is 8 October 2019.

The Namibian newspaper also published a piece on this development under their tender briefs which was published on Friday 23 August.

The tender advert is available here: NamWater Advert_05_FY2020.pdf

Posted on Aug 23, 2019

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