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Account number: 555 011 525 61
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Branch code: 282273
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Refereed Publications
1) Bristow, C.S., Duller, G.A.T. and J. Lancaster. 2007.
Age and dynamics of linear dunes in the Namib Desert.
Geology 35: 555-558.
2) Dahan, O., Tatarsky, B., Enzel, Y., Kulls, C., Seely, M. and G. Benito. 2008. Dynamics of flood water infiltration and ground water recharge in hyperarid desert. Ground Water: 1-12.
3) Henschel, J., Klintenberg, P., Roberts, C. and M. Seely. 2007. Long-term ecological research from an arid, variable, drought-prone environment. Secheresse 18: 1-6.
4. Henschel, J.R. and M.K. Seely. 2008. Ecophysiology of atmospheric moisture in the Namib Desert. Atmospheric Research 87: 362-368.
5. Klintenberg, P., Kruger, A.S. and M. Seely. 2007. Community-driven local level monitoring: recording environmental change to support multi-level decision-making in Namibia.
Secheresse 18: 1-6.
6. Klintenberg, P. and A. Verlinden. 2008. Water points and their influence on grazing resources in central northern Namibia. Land Degradation & Development 19: 1-20.
7. Lalley, J.S. and H.A. Viles. 2008. Recovery of lichen-dominated soil crusts in a hyper-arid desert. Biodiversity and Conservation 17: 1-20.
8. Whitaker, C., Pammenter, N.W. and P. Berjak. 2008. Infection of the cones and seeds of Welwitschia mirabilis by Aspergillus niger var. phoenicis in the Namib-Naukluft Park. South African Journal of Botany 74: 41-50.
1) Gibson, L. 2007. Does salt type matter? A study into the concentration and type of salts found within cavernous weathering features and their morphometric and environmental characteristics, at Gobabeb in the Central Namib Desert. BA (Hons). School of Geography. University of
Oxford. Oxford: 1-85.
2) Huxley, J. 2007. Changeless change? The reversing dunes of Walvis Bay, Namibia: a quantitative and qualitative approach to barchan migration and morphology. BA (Hons). School of Geography. University of Oxford. Oxford: 1-67.
3) Profumo, T. 2007. The effect of biological and physical crusting on erosion in the Central Namib Desert. BA (Hons). School of Geography. University of Oxford. Oxford: 1-100.
4) Wood, K. 2007. The role of dust in the weathering of arid environments: a preliminary investigation. BA (Hons). School of Geography. University of Oxford. Oxford: 1-108.
Other publications and reports
1) Dirkx, E., Hager, C., Tadross, M., Bethune, S. and B. Curtis. 2008. Climate change vulnerability & adaptation assessment Namibia. Final report March 2008. Desert Research Foundation of Namibia & Climate Systems Analysis Group for the Ministry of Environment and Tourism. Windhoek: 1-167.
2) Linsenmair, K.E. and J. Henschel. 2007. Arthropods as ecosystem engineers: the impact of ants, termites and tenebrionid beetles on soil properties and vegetation. In: Towards sustainable use of biodiversity. Biodiversity Monitoring Transect Analysis in Africa. Cooperative research of African and German scientists for the generation of policy relevant knowledge on maintenance and sustainable use of biodiversity. Final report, Second phase (2003-2006). Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung. Hamburg: 143-151.
3) Matros-Goreses, A. and M. Gardiner. 2006. Gobabeb WADE site characterization. Desert Research Foundation of Namibia and Gobabeb Training and Research Centre. Windhoek & Gobabeb: 1-39.
4) Seely, M. 2008. Die Namib. Die Naturgeschichte einer uralten Wüste. Desert Research Foundation of Namibia. Windhoek:
Magazine & Newspaper articles
1) Anonymous. 2007. Biomass on wheels 2007. Namrep II Review. Ministry of Mines and Energy. Windhoek: 11.
2) Anonymous. 2008. Gobabeb Open Day for Public. New Era. Windhoek: 10.
3. Henschel, J. 2008. Gems of the Namib Desert. Flamingo. Windhoek: 24-27.
4) Henschel, J. 2008. The value of the Namib. Roan News. Windhoek: 34-36.
5) Hofmann, E. 2008. Orkan verwüstet Gobabeb.
Allgemeine Zeitung. Windhoek: 1.
6) Krämer, M. 2007. Die Topnaar Traditional Authority: Grenzen des Häuptlingtums in Namibia. Scientific Society Swakopmund: 39(2/07):12-19.
7) Mutota, E. and J. Guittar. 2008. High noon in the Namib sun. Flamingo. Windhoek: 36-39.
8) Pallett, J. 2008. Cumulative environmental risks of uranium mining. Roan News. Special Edition. Windhoek: 13-14.
9) Schultz, R. 2008. Too much too soon. Roan News.
Windhoek: 37-38.
10) Shigwedha, A. 2008. Gobabeb looks at ecological restoration. The Namibian. Windhoek: 5.
Conference Presentations
1) Niipele, J.N. and P. Klintenberg. 2007. Assessing abundance of surface water and biomass in the Cuvelai basin, central northern Namibia using Landsat TM and AATSR data. Tiger Workshop. (20-21 November 2006). Cape Town: 1-16.
2) Schultz, R.W. 2007. Perspectives on rural energisation: the Tsumkwe case. Hybrid electricity systems powering mini-grids.
Desert Research Foundation of Namibia. (24 & 25 October 2007). Gobabeb: 67-82.
3) Tuinenburg, O. and D. von Oertzen. 2007. A primer on hybrid electricity systems for managers: the Gobabeb case. Hybrid electricity systems powering mini-grids. Desert Research Foundation of Namibia. (24 & 25 October 2007). Gobabeb:
4) Von Oertzen, D. 2007. Proceedings: Hybrid electricity systems powering mini-grids – a Southern African perspective. Desert Research Foundation of Namibia. (24 & 25 October 2007). Gobabeb: 1-127.