

The DRFN being a non-profit organization depends on funding from external sources to implement some of its activities.
If you wish to make a donation towards the work that the organization implements, please make use of these banking details.
For more information on this please contact:

Account number: 555 011 525 61
Branch: Maerua
Branch code: 282273
Swift code: FIRNNANX

About DRFN’s Water theme
The Water Desk enhances coordination and information-sharing of activities addressing water-related issues in Namibia.

We are involved in river basin management and other components of integrated water resources management (IWRM). DRFN’s role as networker and facilitator plays a particularly important role in the water sector, where vital inputs are made by institutions such as Namwater, government departments involved in water and sanitation, municipalities and local authorities, development agencies and, most importantly, people who use water and pay for it (or not, in some cases).

The DRFN helped to facilitate creation of the country’s first basin management committee in the Kuiseb River Basin. By emphasizing that the water resources are shared and everyone’s joint responsibility, diverse institutions and individuals agreed on a common vision for sustained use of the Kuiseb’s water resources. The formal Basin Management Committee is now established and functional. A similar awareness-creation, integration and implementation process is now being rolled out in other basins, with involvement of Water Desk staff.

The Water Desk contributes to the understanding of the dynamics of ephemeral rivers and their associated groundwater reserves in southern Africa. These natural resources are vital components of Namibia’s economy, the livelihoods of her people, and the natural environment.

Our Partners and Sponsors in support of our work include:
Disclaimer: The contents of the website are the sole responsibility of DRFN and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union. This website was created with the support of the Hanns Seidel Foundation.