The Paris Agreement has a goal of limiting global warming well below 2°C, ideally 1.5°C. Understanding the local-level impacts of these global temperature targets is crucial for informing climate change adaptation needs and actions. To date, mitigation pledges by nations fall far short of what is needed, with the world on track to warm by 3.2°C by the end of the century.
For Namibia, local warming and drying will be greater than the global average. So, even at 1.5°C increase in global temperature will have severe local impacts, negatively affecting water supply, agriculture, health, and other vulnerable sectors. The 1.5°C threshold could be breached within the next decade, and the 2°C threshold the decade after2. This means there is an urgent need to accelerate Namibia’s adaptation responses.
This poster created by the CLARE-Namibia team explains what some of these impacts are.